A well thought out Will can assist with tax-planning, Capital Gains Tax and to help avoid Inheritance Tax liabilities. We understand that it can be a very daunting and unpleasant experience however our professional and friendly team will assist you, ensuring that all your wishes are recorded.
Gall Ewyllys sydd ag ôl gwaith meddwl arni gynorthwyo gyda chynllunio trethi, Treth ar Enillion Cyfalaf ac i helpu osgoi rhwymedigaethau Treth Etifeddu. Rydym yn deall y gall fod yn brofiad hynod ofnadwy ac annymunol, ond bydd ein tîm proffesiynol a chyfeillgar yn eich cynorthwyo, gan sicrhau bod eich holl ddymuniadau'n cael eu cofnodi.
We offer a comprehensive Will writing service dealing with all aspects including Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection issues.
Creating a Will is a way of ensuring that sufficient provisions have been made for your loved ones, and that following your death, your assets will be distributed as you would like them to be.
Ni ellir gorbwysleisio pwysigrwydd gwneud ewyllys. Mae gan ein tîm Ewyllysiau nifer o flynyddoedd o brofiad ac fe fyddant yn llunio’r ewyllys yn benodol i ateb eich dymuniadau.
We remove the worry of dealing with extensive and time consuming paperwork at what is, quite clearly, a very sad time for all those involved. The service we provide includes
Ascertaining the estate's assets and liabilities,
Calculating any Inheritance Tax due,
Completing the various and very often complex HM Revenue & Customs documentation,
Making application to the Probate Registrar ( a division of the High Court) for a Grant or Letters of Administration,
Collecting in all the assets and paying out the liabilities,
Distributing the estate in accordance with the Will or as set out by Law
Rydym yn rhoi’r pryder o ddelio â gwaith papur helaeth ac amserus naill ochr ar yr hyn sydd, yn amlwg, yn amser trist iawn i bawb sy'n gysylltiedig.