We offer our services to reclaim monies that are owed. This can range from a letter setting out monies owing, statutory demands, money claims in court or winding up and bankruptcy proceedings. We always remain aware of the balance between costs in a process in comparison with the likely results and will work with you to maintain such a balance.
Rydym bob amser yn parhau i fod yn ymwybodol o'r cydbwysedd rhwng costau mewn proses o'i gymharu â'r canlyniadau tebygol a byddwn yn gweithio gyda chi i gynnal cydbwysedd o'r fath.
We can also advise individuals and businesses on the potential legal implications of a claim against them, including the actions someone can take to avoid repossession, what to expect from proceedings, information on court procedure and representation at a hearing.
Employment Law
We can offer advice to both employers and employees. This is an area which constantly changes with the introduction of new laws and can affect everyone who works or has someone work for them.
Gallwn gynnig cyngor i gyflogwyr a gweithwyr. Mae hwn yn faes sy'n newid yn gyson gyda chyflwyno deddfau newydd a gall effeithio ar bawb sy'n gweithio neu sydd â rhywun yn gweithio iddyn nhw.
To employers we can offer advice to reduce the risk of any employment claims against them by providing contracts for employment, updates of the latest laws, procedures that need to be in place, advice on negotiations with employees and redundancy. If a dispute arises we can assist in reducing the impact of a claim financially, on you as the employer and the effect on your business. If a claim proceeds we can provide a compromise agreement if the case is settled or representation should the matter proceed to a tribunal.
For employees we can provide advice at any stage of your relationship with your employer. This includes the initial contract for work, disciplinary or grievance procedures and your rights under the various and numerous Acts that apply to your employment. If a dispute does arise we can advise on the likely claim or claims, any compromise agreement, negotiate with the employer and provide representation at a hearing.
Consumer Law
We will keep you informed and will act on your wishes throughout.
Byddwn yn eich hysbysu a byddwn yn gweithredu ar eich dymuniadau drwyddi draw.
Unfortunately when we purchase a service or goods we do not always receive what we expected or what we have paid for. We are available to offer practical advice on your options for redress and the possible outcomes, including likely costs. Sometimes all it will take is a letter written from us to the other side, at other times it will become a more lengthy process.
We will keep you informed and will act on your wishes throughout. We can agree to set a fee cap and would not then proceed any further, without your express approval.
Gallwn gytuno i osod cap ffi ac ni fyddwn yn bwrw ymlaen ymhellach, heb eich cymeradwyaeth benodol.
Commercial & Business Law
We offer a wide range of services tailored to each particular set of circumstances including;
Rydym yn cynnig ystod eang o wasanaethau wedi'u teilwra i bob set benodol o amgylchiadau, gan gynnwys;
setting up a business or charity,
the legal requirements of different types of business structure and their considerations,
restoration of companies,
drafting shareholder agreements,
partnership agreements (including LP and LLP),
Intellectual Property agreements,
agency agreements,
customer agreements,
commercial agreements between companies.
Rydym yn gweithio gyda phob math a maint o fusnesau i gyflawni'r amddiffyniad neu'r hyblygrwydd y gall fod ei hangen ar bob strwythur neu ddefnydd yn y dyfodol.
We work with all types and sizes of businesses to achieve the protection or flexibility that each structure or future use may require.